Dog Daycare

Dog Daycare

Our pets are our children, and the guilt is real when we leave them. Their guilt free, hangout spot is the perfect compromise at EATWIND’s dog daycare.

Are you on the busier side of pooch parenting? No judgement here, just assistance.

When our dogs are home alone for long periods of time, their choice of entertainment is often more destructive than not. Therefore, all that energy has to go somewhere, right?

Doggie Daycare is a way to harness all that energy and turn it into productive, constructive time well spent. Like us, dogs need mental and physical stimulation daily, and for some, a walk just doesn’t do it.

Daycare at EASTWIND includes a chance to play, exercise and socialize with other dogs, under the supervision of the EASTWIND caregivers.

This is an opportunity to get out of the house and get back to the root of your dog’s happiness, running freely in nature, whilst making home in time for dinner.

Don’t worry, when returned your pup will be showered, puffed and buffed. To make it even easier, the EASTWIND Pet Taxi is available for pick up and drop off.

The EASTWIND Pet Taxi is available for pick up & drop off